Contact Sunflower Medical of Lenexa East, KS, Online
If you have an emergency dial 911. If you need to speak with someone during office hours call the number listed at your desired location. If it is after hours dial the office phone number which will be answered by our answering service and will notify the physician on call.
Please note due to privacy laws we are unable to respond by direct email to any requests for personal or health related information. However, we invite all of our patients to join our secure encrypted patient portal where health care related personal information and messages can be exchanged safely with our practice staff. In order to join our patient portal, please send us your email address through this contact us link and we will respond with an emailed invitation to activate your portal account. Thank you.
For Appointments please call 913-722-4240 or use our website form (below) and include the doctor you would like to see inside the comment box. Our appointment scheduler will contact you to set up the appointment. Please be aware that your appointment is not verified until you have spoken to the appointment scheduler. Thank you!